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Latest Soltalk Magazine Issue - December 2023

Ho Ho Ho and welcome to the December issue of Soltalk. I am showing my age by saying things like where on earth has this year gone? and I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas already? Yes of course I am. Oh well…

“A Place in the Sun” filmed in Nerja twice last month. The TV show airs on Channel 4 in the UK, and for the rest of the world on E4, Channel 4+ and More 4. The show helps British buyers find their homes in “somewhere in the sun,” as its title suggests. Most recently they were filming properties in the centre of Nerja and in the Capistrano and Paco Romo urbanizations. Prospective buyers don’t know the properties beforehand and the show records the spontaneous reactions when they visit. In addition, the show films tourist sites of the area, such as the Balcon de Europa, where the delegate councilor of Tourism, Ana Maria Muñoz, went to thank Channel 4 and the team for choosing Nerja and invited them to continue visiting Nerja in the future. On this occasion the programme, which has been on the air for 21 years with more than 1,000 episodes aired, was hosted by host Sara Damergi.

Well that will be one to look out for and also probably bring lots more visitors to the town. In the meantime have a wonderful Christmas and New year and enjoy this issue!


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