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Latest Soltalk Magazine Issue - May 2023

This is the June 2023 issue of the Soltalk magazine for news, updates, inspiration for Nerja, Torrox, Frigliana and surrounding areas

Hello and welcome to the May edition of Soltalk. Many of you are aware that May means only one thing in Nerja… San Isidro! Yes many people’s favourite fiesta and a special person’s birthday too… she knows who I mean! So in case you’ve not had the pleasure previously it a fiesta to celebrate the patron saint of agriculture San Isidro and is characterised by a wonderful procession from Nerja to the Maro Caves where a big party takes place with lots of food, music and dancing.

The procession usually starts with horses ridden by people usually in traditional dress such as on our cover. These are followed by bullocks pulling what can only be described as party floats, highly decorated, full of people and carrying the essential food and drink and usually playing loud music! Then come tractors pulling more party floats and then there are those that simply walk along. For the less energetic there are buses to and from Nerja and Maro all day. It can be fun just to find a good spot along the route (check with the tourist office nearer the time) to sit in a bar or have a picnic and watch the fun.


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